
Posts Tagged ‘Kinky Curly Curling Custard’

This is actually a product that I’ve been using for a while to help give me more definition in my signature style: the braid and curl (which I totally jacked from my idol Curly Nikki, aka the most bangin’ hair maven this side of Pluto). Anywho, my hair is very… playful and gets a little out of hand in the mornings when I take it down if I don’t have some sort of holding product on it beforehand.

After hearing all of the rave reviews online and from people I know and trust, I scraped up my funds at the beginning of the summer and hopped in my car (windows down, of course: this is Hotlanta) in hot pursuit of hair perfection.

I bee-lined my way to the Midtown Whole Foods (where I first discovered jojoba oil) and picked up an 8 ounce tub of gluey, sticky, slightly icky goo affectionately dubbed “Kinky Curly Curling Custard” or “KCCC” on all of the forums.  When I first opened the tub and touched it, I grimaced.  The stuff felt icky and kind of made me want to wash my hands.  I went the rest of the day pondering whether or not I should return it.  I’m very glad I didn’t.

Believe the hype, people… BELIEVE THE HYPE.

Soft, Curl-Poppin' Deliciousness!

Price: $19.99 for 8 ounces, which is kind of on the steep side.  I was looking at the price like “Girl, stop, I was rockin’ pigtails back in 1999!”.

Where to purchase: Online, Whole Foods, or (soon) at your neighborhood Target (sidebar: Target is really coming up in the natural hair care world. Wal-Mart’s TTTHHHIIISSS close to getting the side-eye.)

Purpose: curl definition, hold, light-weight hold,no crunch

So I washed my hair that night and half-dried it with a regular old towel (bad girl, SuperCoils, bad girl), then sat down in front of my dorm mirror and went to work with my Denman brush in one hand and a little leave-in conditioner in the other.  *Please be advised that I use my rinse out conditioner as my leave-in conditioner… I just add two parts water to one part condish and spritz my hair with it*  I put the leave-in on my wet, already detangled hair, then a llliiitttttttllleee dollop of KCCC, then went through GENTLY with the Denman… and whoa.  My curls were PPPOOOPPPPPPPPIIINNNGGG like an old man’s joints on a stormy day, and they still had relaxed ends hanging from them!!!  WHAT???!!!

Since that faithful day in May, Kinky Curly Curling Custard has been a major staple in my product rotation.

The next morning, my hair was wonderfully defined WITHOUT the crunch factor that most gels have.  A little goes a very long way though, so make sure you only use a LLIITTTTTLLLEE bit at once.  That crunch factor will creep up on you really fast and you’ll just be left high, dry, and… crisp.  Not a good look.

A word of caution though: DO NOT use this product on top of an oil-based “moisturizer”, sealant, conditioner… ANYTHING…  KCCC and oil are not friends.  As a matter of fact, KCCC and oil used to be friends, but then KCCC stole oil’s boyfriend and now they don’t even speak!  Seriously though, this product, as great as it is, will give you little white specks all through your hair if used with an oil-based sealant.

There is another Kinky-Curly product, Kinky Curly Knot Today, that is made especially to be used under this product and has been reported as being the best detangler/ leave-in in the game, but I have yet to try it.  Gotta get my money up.

In conclusion: I love this product and would recommend it to anyone with… shall we say… rebellious hair.

Peace, Love, and Curl-Poppin’


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